I'm a lucky girl who grew up next door to my Grandparents, we'd have family lunches on Sunday's, they'd babysit me after school, and so on. Spending time with my grandparents was me sitting on a stool at the end of Grandpa's work bench watching him make his beautiful carvings, or it was Grandma and I sitting on the lawn swing listening to the song birds, but one of my favourite pass times with them was flipping through their photo albums.

Now since both Grandma and Grandpa have passed, I find myself still flipping through their albums with a whole new appreciation. I love looking back at the photos of them among their family and friends, the animals they had on their farm, the changes they've made to the house they called home. I'm so incredibly grateful that they not only captured those moments but they also held onto them.

Sure photo albums and shoeboxes of photographs might take up space on your shelf, but aren't the memories worth it? Those methods have stood the test of time so far, you yourself may not have that shoebox of photos but I bet your parents have one! A printed image doesn't rely on an internet connection or device to view the images. So with technology advancing as rapidly as it is how soon until you can't view your CD's or USB's of images? You can't exactly grab the files off of your floppy discs these days can you.

Yup, I too have CD's of photos kicking around, but guess what I'm starting to print them off!
Not only is printing your images important, you also need to exist in the photos too! I get it, we all have our insecurities and may find ourselves camera shy but we're forgetting that we're not the only ones who look at images of ourselves, our loved ones do too. Your friends want photos together just hanging out because you're having fun and you might want to remember that night years later. Your children will someday be so thankful for that photo of you snuggled up with them reading a bedtime story. Your parents just want to see photos of you happy, they don't mind if your hair wasn't combed that day.
So friends, here's my challenge for you (and myself, because I need to make better efforts myself) #ExistInPhotos and #MakePrints I'm sure you'll thank yourself for doing so down the road! <3
In case you may not have a photo printer at home , click any of the names below to access their photo centres! Or if you want to chat about print options feel free to reach out to me at juliaburkephotos@gmail.com :)